Exclusive Motivated Seller  Leads

Not your average smart farming, not statistical analysis, but actionable behaviors.

Identify Real-Time Inherited Properties in your local area that will sell

Roughly 4 out of 10 property leads sell within 12 months.
Industry High Prediction Rate
Predicted total property value that will sell per year.
Of recent seller contacted only one agent before finding the right agent they worked with to sell their home.

30 Property Leads

Inheritance Listing Leads under $1mm
Leads closest to your zip code
40% Prediction Precision to sell
Leads uploaded upon sign up and first of every month
Mobile Phones (DNC Check)
Email Addresses (Bounce Check)
Physical Address

30 Property Leads

Inheritance Listing Leads over $1mm
Leads closest to your zip code
40% Prediction Precision to sell
Leads uploaded upon sign up and first of every month
Mobile Phones (DNC Check)
Email Addresses (Bounce Check)
Physical Address

See what our users say

Richard Chung
Agent - KW
“One of our first calls that we made, got a listing appointment and went over a couple days later and got the listing agreement signed at the dinner table."
Paul Morris
CEO of KW Forward Living, KW Regional Owner
“In a short period of time we have been able to generate real results in the most cost-effective way I have ever seen”
Josh Spitzen
CEO of KW Beverly Hills
“This is a unique and powerful platform to source listing leads that are highly valued in any marketing, particularly a shifting market”
Mike Miller
Agent - KW
“Catalyze has catalyzed my business into warp speed! High quality leads, exclusive data, and incredible customer service! I’m highly recommending it to anyone who wants business faster. We made $38k in the first month of utilizing Catalyze’s platform.”

Our Platform

Data Pipeline

Proprietary inherited listing leads pushed to your platform, on a monthly basis.

In your backyard

Radius based leads, prioritizing those properties closer.

Highest Converting

Build your business by accessing Catalyze AI listing leads.

High propensity

Our combination of event-driven data, historical data, behavioral analytics, and real-time data results in the highest propensity to sell properties.
Harness the power of 400 million data points to reach your highest converting target market
Increase your marketing dollars ROI
A top of funnel marketing solution to fill your prospect pipeline

Big Data

We gather hundreds of millions of data points in order to perform advanced analytics to identify the highest propensity prospects.


We leverage real-time event triggers to predict buying cycles of consumers, providing our users with prospects who would benefit from their services.

Artifical Intelligence

Our AI takes in hundreds of millions of data points to increase conversation rates for our users.

Predictive Analytics

Our predictive analytics utillizes a combination of event-driven data, historical data, behavioral analytics, and real-time data to predict a customer’s propensity to use a service.

Our Approach

Catalyze AI predicts to sell per year.
Trillion of wealth will be passed down in the next 25 years
Leverage big data and artificial intelligence to identify your next listing
Compliment your current business development with unconstrained predictive analytics.

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How to get started?


Provide your information

Give us some details on yourself and your firm.

Select your location

Provide a zip code and we will provide you with the highest propensity prospects in a 50 mile radius.

Check Out

On the check out page you can select the products and quantity of leads you would like per month.

Access your dashboard

You have immediate access to your dasboard and your leads. From here you can easily track, manage, and export your exclusive leads.
Register in under 5 minutes.

Your Target Market

Nationwide coverage
Harness untapped data and analytics to help propel your business development efforts. From nationwide data to your specific zip code, we have you covered.